Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Adventure Begins

Two college kids, well not really kids...young adults, met and fell in love. And you wanna know something? It all started with Fettuccine Alfredo. Yep, that's right. An Italian classic began it all and we've been cooking together ever since. Something awesome happens when you get a vegetarian and a meat-eater, who both have a sweet tooth and want to eat delicious, healthy meals on a budget, in the kitchen. One without the other usually messes things up, but together they are a cooking machine! For instance, one day William was in class and I ran home to fix a lunch (as soon as I get this recipe down I will add it). In a frenzy I tried whipping up the stir-fry myself, however I definitely pulled a Mrs. Doubtfire and ruined everything in a matter of a few seconds. I let the pan get too hot, which resulted in burnt garlic and chili sauce, then I thought "it couldn't possibly be that bad" so I added a few more ingredients, turned my back for a second, and that got burnt as well. In the end, even mixing it in with some couscous could not salvage it. I have never tasted something more revolting...*thinks for a second*...yep, never. I realized my fault wasn't in the fact that I can't read a few simple directions and cook a basic stir-fry, but that without Will, it just doesn't turn out very good at all. We help each other when we cook, like one of those teams you see on Food Network Challenge. We're a dynamic duo and that's pretty awesome. We thought, after one successful meal after the next, we would make a blog to share all of our yummy findings with friends and family and anyone else who cares to know. My room mates always say that we should open up a restaurant, but since we have to graduate college first before that could ever even be a possibility, we decided a blog spot would suffice. So, here we go. Leave comments, let us know what you think, and join our adventure!


  1. Dippity doo da dippity aye, my oh my what will they have to say? This is gonna be very interesting...

  2. I love this. The two of you crack me up. I miss you and can't wait to see you. Maybe the next time you're home, you, Will and myself will get in the kitchen and whip up something yummy. Lots of love.

  3. Definitely! We can totally make something good and post it on here! With pictures! lol. love you and can't wait to see you as well!!!

